Search Options in the Prospero Workspace

The Prospero workspace provides you with a number of usability options for managing data in your workspace. Similar to other Microsoft® applications, you can use the Find, Replace Select or Sort options to allow you to quickly find values or make multiple updates to your data. These options are located on the Home ribbon and can be used in the active workspace grid.



The Find option will take you to the cell which contains the value you enter in the Find dialog. Additionally, you can use the Ctrl button and the F key to return the Find dialog.


The Replace option will perform multiple replacement on values in the cells based on your input. The following conditions and exceptions impact how the Replace feature will function in the workspace:

      Fields which don’t allow direct typing in the cell, such as the period filter cells on Column Definitions, do not allow the Replace function to occur.

      Fields with drop-down lists will allow the replace to occur as long as the replacement text matches the beginning of a string in the list.

      Fields which are checkboxes, disabled cells, or are read-only will not allow the Replace function to change the value.

      Field which are hidden in the workspace, such as columns in a Line Definition, will not be included in the Replace even if they match.


The Sort option will sort the data in the current open set or workspace.


The Select option will select all of the data in the current open set or workspace. You can choose to “Select All” or “Select None” to clear your selection and you can then choose to “Copy” or “Cut” the information selected.