Prospero provides you with the ability to quickly and easily share reports between entities so you do not need to recreate reports or their supporting elements in each new Prospero instance. Report Definitions and their elements – Line, Column and Tree Definitions, as well as Segment information - can be shared between different Prospero entities using the export and import processes. When exporting Report Definitions to import to a new, target entity, the formatting and prompts for these reports will also be preserved, reducing time and maintenance creating the same reports across your various Prospero instances or entities.
To reuse reports across entities requires that you first export your Report Definition from the source Prospero entity using the Export option for Reports in the Report Catalog View. This will create a Prospero Export File (.prxf file) which can then be used as the input to a target Prospero entity. In order for the process to be effective, the number of segments and structure of the source and target entities must be identical.
To import your Prospero report(s) to your target entity, you will use the Import Definitions option on the Tools ribbon to select the Prospero Export File which you created from your source entity. Importing your reports from the Prospero Export File will create the Report, Line, and Column Definitions in a corresponding Prospero folder as specified on the import screen. Tree Definition and Segment items will also be created in the target entity - where you have specified including these items in the export from the source entity.
Note: If a Line, Column or Report Definition already exists in the target entity, a new one will be created with a "_1" extension, incrementing thereafter. For Trees, any summary items (root or subtotal) that do not exist in the target entity will be created - including the parent-child relationships - from the import file. If a summary item or tree already exists in the destination entity, it will not be modified by the import process.
Refer to the following topics for exporting and importing you reports between entities: