Prospero allows you to reference specific cell locations in your Line and Column Definitions for use in calculations. A cell-level calculation allows you to reference “coordinates” from your Line and Column Definitions to construct a formula using that specific coordinate location (or set of locations). You can build the calculation specifically referencing cell coordinates OR “place” a calculated (or referenced) value in a different cell location on your report.
Cell-level calculations are fundamentally constructed using the period (.) to delineate between column and line “Code” cell reference values. These are the Line Definition Code and Column Definition Code values. For example:
Command Syntax:
[Column Definition Code].[Line Definition Code]
The calculation (or “placement”) formula is then constructed in the Line Definition Formula or Column Definition Formula fields, using these cell “coordinates”.
The use of cell-level references to “place” values in another location is also referred to as the “Value Placement” technique. “Value Placement” allows you to pull a desired amount (value) from one row and column to display it on a different row and column, resulting in a scenario where the value overlays the original column and row value. For more information and an example, refer to the following MSX Message Board topic: How Do I Display a YTD value on a single row in a Line Definition